Need a specific sauce that fits your products’ flavour profile? Want to bottle that special sauce up? Or perhaps you’re looking for a unique way to stand out from your competition? No matter your reason, we’d love to help bottle up your signature taste!
We know what you’re looking for — consistency in taste and versatility to adapt. The recipe you have is sacred to you and we can help you preserve that down to the flavour profile and texture for years to come. If you’re looking to modify your recipe, we can even advise you on what may work! Now, get in touch with us today so we can start bringing your brand to life.
Your needs, our priority.
All of our products are certified HALAL by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) since year 2000 and strictly complies with the Malaysian Halal standard. After that in 2018, our premise is accredited with MeSTI by Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
自 2000 年开始,我们所有的产品均获得马来西亚伊斯兰发展局(JAKIM)的清真认证,并且严格遵循马来西亚的清真标准。
此外,于 2018 年,我们的公司还获得了马来西亚卫生部的食品安全问责工业认证(MeSTI)认证。